Soul Sherpa

Iowa Healthcare Main Stage - Iowa Arts Festival 16 N Clinton Street, Iowa City, IA, United States

About: Soul Sherpa

Silver Swing Band

Linn Street LIVE Stage 258 Iowa Ave., Iowa City, IA, United States

About: Silver Swing Band


Iowa Avenue 105 Iowa Avenue, Iowa City, IA, United States

About: Winterland

Wonder Woman

Van Allen Hall Auditorium 225-291 E Jefferson St, Iowa City, IA, United States

NOTE: Due to rain, this movie will be shown at 8:30 p.m. in Van Allen Hall Auditorium (across from Bruegger's Bagels on Iowa Avenue). See below for a map. Rated PG-13; 141 mins; 2017 Starring: Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Daniel Thelewis The fourth installment of the DC


Dandelion Stompers

Iowa Avenue 105 Iowa Avenue, Iowa City, IA, United States

About: Dandelion Stompers

In & Out

Outside Macbride Hall 17 N Clinton St., Iowa City, IA, United States

PG-13; 90 mins; 1997 Starring: Kevin Kline, Joan Cusack, Tom Selleck High school teacher and beloved everyman Howard Brackett’s (Kevin Kline) calm and provincial life is turned upside down when a former student turned bigshot Hollywood actor accidently outs him as gay. Dealing with a now manic
