The Craig Kessler Quartet is made up of four individuals, each with their own style , yet sharing the same love of music.
Craig Kessler….a long-time fixture on the Iowa City jazz scene, Kessler has long been associated with local radio, the finest record stores from here to Chicago, and now lands on stage with a soprano saxophone. He can currently be heard on Jazz 88.3 KCCK.
Dan Padley….the hardest working guitarist in the area, Padley frequently works with Blake Shaw, John Rapson, Justin LeDuc, Ryan Smith, Nolan Schroeder, Chris Jensen, Drew Morton, Michael Jarvey, and the list goes on and on and on…has appeared on Iowa City Jazz Festival stages numerous times!
Peter Rolnick….on clarinet, Rolnick is a retired physics professor, originally from New England, a life-long musician currently working with the local band “Sweet Cacophony”.
Geb Thomas….born in New York, studied bass jazz performance at Indiana Univ…PhD in engineering…currently teaching and research (engineering) at U of Iowa. Plays in a variety of bands…”Homebrew Blues and Rockabilly Band”, “Polyester Blend”, “Geb Thomas Jazz Band”, and others.
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