The D.L. Perkins singers are an aggregation of singers who work together under the D.L. Perkins and Sons Funeral Home. The group was formed in April 2020. A lot of the families that D.L. Perkins and Sons serve are churchgoers and during the pandemic, families were given limits on who was allowed to be at and attend funerals. Most church choirs were not active at the time and the services felt like they were missing something. Mr. Perkins knew he had to find a way to put a smile on his families’ faces still. At the end of 2020, the D.L. Perkins singers had grown from 3 singers to 9 singers. Mr. James Teague, Mrs. Wendy Young, Mrs. Monique Griffith, Mr. La’Quentin Jenkins, Mrs. Raven Terry, Ms. Megan Barnes, Mrs. Takyra Barnes, Ms. Yvette Ford, and Mr. Alonzo Berry all makeup the D.L. Perkins Singers.
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